torsdag 9 oktober 2014

Colombia - Introduction

The Republik of Colombia is a state in northwest South Amerika and borders with Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Colombia is a country rich in natural resources and has a climate that is perfekt for growing coffee, cut flowers and fruit. But the most important produkt for Colombia is coffee. Colombia is the second largest exporter of coffee after the Brazilian Federation. In the Capital city Bogota lives 8 miljon people.

Another Colombian export is culture - especially music.
Salsa music was born among puerto ricans and cubans but soon spread to Colombia
here is a exempel of how salsa music can be like in Colombia...

Colombia has a great culture about music, many famous artists come from Colombia but the most famous artist is Shakira, Shakira is 37 years old  and are from a city called  Barranquilla.

We also have Jon Henrik Fjellgren how actelly live here in Sweden and are reindeer herders, Jon Henrik is born 87 and are most popular becuse of his song "Daniels Jojk".

A popular thing to look at if you  are in Colombia is the soccer, me Andreas get inspired of how amazing the soccer there is becuse they play classic south american soccer and they bring drums to the soccer games and dance and sing salsa/samba befoe the game to get everyone involed in the team so they know that the things they do that do them together.

If you watch on Colombias national soccer team then you has to check out Falcao and James Rodriguez, James is born 91 and are one of the most popular soccer player in that country right now and Falcao is born 86 and also have a very high rating right now. Falcao play right now in Manchester United and James Rodriguez play in Real Madrid. a person how also deserv to mention is David Ospina how are a very important soccer goalkeeper for the national team, David is born 88 and play right now in Arsenal.

Colombia is a dangerous country to be in becuse people fool other people to buy drugs, it is as normal as we in sweden have a lot of bus stations on other places than down in the city. 

Concora National Park
According to this video: Colombia Travel Guide,something you have to do when you are in Colombia is to visit Concora national Park, it is a lots of high mountains and you can also see the wax poom tree how is Colombias national three, it can grow up to 250 feet, i think that is amazing.Colombia is one of the most effektfull countrys in the world, they relly care about the country. The only probelm is that I can find no other reference to this national park anywhere else on the internet. Does anyone know where it is? It's certianly not on Wikipedia's list:

Since 1990 have it been over 10 000 victims in Colombia how have  had and go to the hospital  that is the second most after afganistan. The fark have been the goverments enemy bc of war. Around 7 000 soliers fighting togheter to make Colombia more safe. 

Something you has to be careful whit if you visit Colombia is to go close to things how you dont know how  is safe bc they place landmines next to schools, on trails but the criminals have realized that whit land mines they have a buried murderer it is there forever untill someone could be from the army or citizens, activates it. the goverment wanna make Colombia to a vacation destination after 50 years of war today.people in Colombia advising that people shuld not be in the "red zones" becuse of drugs and other dangerous stuff and you can found this "red zones" in Florencia how is the hottest place in the country. The dope production in 

Colombia has shut up there whit 80% the last years it is basicly fark land. if you have lost some body part like a leg or a arm or something people how drives job dont want they shuld work for them then, they dont care about you at all actelly. the landmines are often home made bombs thats why you has to be specilly carefull in Florencia. in a intervju i saw in a video was it a littel girl how called Jamie Sanchez how found soemthing on the street how lokeed like a battery and her dad said to her "lets throw it in the river" and jamie said "no, i dont touch it" but the dad threw it against a rock and after was it only smoke and sand and scattered leaves left.