måndag 29 september 2014

Threaths to Sweden

Cars are a major environmental problem.

When you drive a petrol or diesel powered car, you pump out nitric oxides (NOx) and other dangerous pollutants.

The cars' catalytic converters and particulate filters have reduced exhaust emissions along the years.

Exhaust fumes from cars contain gaseous and solid compounds that are hazardous to health. The carbon dioxide produced by combustion contributes to global warming

An early Swedish study shows that air pollution from cars kills more than 2000 Swedish persons per year. If you choose a car whit best emission class as possible then you can help too make the environment soo much better becuse it comes soo much exhaust from cars how make enviroment worse. in vehicle exhausts, you have reached dangerously named benzene is carcinogenic. personscars have succesiv be better than it was in a few years ago. cars have become more fuel-efficient, DMV have make a prognos about that  carbon emissions is going too be worse untill year 2010 if we dont do something about it relly relly soon. you can save money and enviroment by drive a car how is fuel-efficient. 
also by take care about your car. How much fuel the car let out in the enviroment depends on the car size,
Engine and transmission and also your way to drive. A car how is good for the enviroment get drived by a person how have a good drive-style and  inklude that you drive on high gear and keep the speed limits and avoid to stop the car soo much.Togheter whit colleagues in Umeå and researchers Edinburgh have he in the new study exposed more than 20 persons how is sick in the heart becuse of diesel exhaust say Thomas Sandström. some people did sit on a bike and they did breath in exhaust and the others did breath normal air.
They primarily consider is carbon monoxide,itic decision is gonna be about enviromental problem. 90% off the enviromental problem is from cars. Researches hit in their study that polcar exhaust contains tons of gases that are harmful to humans, animals and plants.If we shuld have take away cars from the world then it would probibly be fight between others countrys but we also has to think on that whitout the cars we shuld have a better enviroment. The car have today be something you relly need to take you from place A to B. The most people how use the car live in Glesbygden. The car make it possible for us people too live the life just how we want it shuld be..we can choose how the life shuld be by us own.